Here’s some few reasons why you need tutors:

We live in a time where learning means everything. Basically learning advances you in terms of keeping up with the current trends that come with these everchanging times.

There are learning gaps that need to be bridged that were influenced by different factors. Below is a few of them:

👉Curriculum coverage pace – Teachers work on a certain pace to ensure that they cover all the contents from the ATP (Annual Teaching Plan) and the pace may be too fast for some learners.

👉Being afraid to make mistakes – most learners are afraid to make mistakes as they fear they may be judged.

👉Teachers’ methods of teaching – The way teachers deliver the content plays a significant role in shaping a student’s learning experiences. Teachers’ methods of teaching can influence the way student engage with learning.

👉Teacher’s beliefs about student’s ability – Teacher’s beliefs about what students are capable of achieving and what is expected of students can influence students’ self-perception and motivation to learn.

👉Student’s socio-cultural background – Socio-cultural factors can have an impact on what the student knows and how they see the world.

Tutors help your child(ren) learn in their own pace without feeling rushed or fear that they may be left behind.

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